CHS New Teachers: Mrs. Straw

Daniel Lee

The start of every school year dawns a new beginning for everyone on campus. It can be a mix of emotions, from exciting to intimidating, especially for the newcomers. Students will have to worry about their new classes, meeting new friends, and figuring out their way around the facility.

The stressful process of a fresh school year is no different for the teachers. For Kristine Straw, a 9th grade Health and Fitness teacher, the new year brings her back to a familiar place at Camas High School.

Mrs. Straw began her teaching career at Gladstone High School in Portland, Oregon. After three years of teaching in Oregon, she crossed the river to teach in the Camas School district. She spent two years at Camas High School (CHS) before helping kickstart the new Project-Based Learning campus for three years. This year, she has returned to teaching at CHS. Straw is primarily a health teacher, but she’s taking on the additional challenge of teaching 9th grade fitness this year. 

Ever since she was young, Mrs. Straw knew that she wanted to be a teacher and never thought of pursuing other professions. It’s hard for her to imagine doing anything other than teaching, but she was also interested in becoming a physical therapist for a while.

“Physical therapy was another career path I considered, but I just had a bigger passion for teaching,” Straw said. 

Her most important tips for all athletes: get a good night’s sleep every single night, maintain good nutrition, and make sure to stretch before every workout, game, scrimmage, or anything strenuous.

When asked if she could teach anything other than health or PE, she said she’d teach science or math. “I enjoy learning more about the science behind the human body,” Straw said. “I have also always been pretty good at math and breaking down the problems.”

Her favorite thing about Camas is the atmosphere that the teachers and students bring every day.

“I feel like Camas has a pretty strong community,” Straw said. “I’ve always enjoyed what it offers. I feel like we’ve found a place for most people to fit into.” Her advice for students is to rely on that said community for support. She believes that if you work with your teachers you will get a better understanding of the topic and will feel more comfortable with learning.

Aside from teaching, Straw is a mother of a six year old and a four year old, and keeps busy by taking care of them. She has an overall active lifestyle, as she likes to run and enjoys camping and wake surfing with her family in the sunny weather.

 When asked if she could travel anywhere in the world, she said she would love to go to Bora Bora, or anywhere sunny where she would be in her element. After a long and stressful pandemic, Mrs. Straw is just one of the many new teachers at Camas High that are ready and excited for the 2021-2022 school year.