Each year, a myriad of teachers at CHS seek out students to act as assistants in order to get work done faster and with more ease; despite this, TA positions often remain unfilled.
As senior Sami Walters says, teachers “always need TAs and people to help; I knew Mrs. Hovig always needs TAs.”

So what exactly do TAs do? Walters elaborates by explaining that, as part of her responsibilities, she “washes… test tubes and beakers, [cuts] paper for [Mrs. Hovig and Mrs. Carmichael], [and totals] up points.”
AP Government teacher Kristi Bridges explains she “usually [tries] to give [her TA] anything that can protect [her] time… that is non-judgment based.” This work includes arranging graded papers in alphabetical order so it is easier for Bridges to put grades into Skyward, making sure teachers have all the supplies needed as senior projects come to a close, and, of course, taking everyone’s favorite furry friend, Cooper, outside to use the bathroom.
While the tasks that students who TA complete may seem fairly clear, it is often less clear how students get to become TAs, whether that be working it into their schedule or deciding which teacher they will TA for.
Bridges explains that “usually it’s on a first-come, first-serve basis, based on what works with someone’s schedule. You don’t want a TA on your prep period, and I… don’t want a TA earlier in the day than I have them in class. It’s more about who comes first and what their schedule is, and then I ask around if they are someone who can be trusted if they have access to important information.”
Senior Dalton Lewis, a TA for Mr. Plitt’s fourth period AP Government & Composition class, explains that he signed what is similar to a “permission slip when [he forecasted his] classes.”
Finally, Senior Keelan McHugh, a TA for Mrs. Leighton’s second-period algebra class, recommends “only being a TA for a teacher you like or get along with”. If a student does not get along very well with the teacher he or she TAs for, it can result in a lack of productivity.
However, working with a teacher who students get along with well can be a very fun experience. Lewis explains how he chose to TA for Mr. Plitt because he is “one of [his] favorite teachers [he] has had, and it’s just a lot of fun being in his class.”
Remember, teachers are always searching for help, and becoming a TA for a well-loved teacher can be a very rewarding experience!