This year the Camas High School basketball girl’s and boy’s programs are putting on their second annual Eyewear Collection Project. The programs collect eyewear accessories in order to help those in need. Then donate the eyewear to the Lions Club then they fix, clean and disperse eyewear as needed by the community.

CHS Girl’s Assistant Coach Lisa Schneider is the one who initially introduced the eyewear collection project to the basketball programs.
Schneider said, “Student-athletes are busy and this is a low-stress way to raise awareness and serve for a cause bigger than the program itself.”
Students weighed in on how the project is bigger than just basketball.
CHS Freshman Michael Windom said, ”I enjoy what the basketball programs are doing, they understand that the project is way bigger than them.”
Instead of the project just being school-based for both of the programs, Schneider decided to expand it district-wide.
Schneider said, “This year we have expanded the project to allow for the entire school district to be involved. Two seniors, Regan Cooke, and Sydney Fermenick are bringing the project to this next level for their Senior Project. District-wide all schools and the district office have collection boxes.”
The donation boxes at CHS are located just outside the learning center.
The project does not just affect the people getting the eyewear, but this has affected the programs because there is a friendly competition between the programs for who can collect more.
Schneider said, “Athletes, at least from the basketball program, have really received it well. We have created a competition between the teams and this has been super fun.
CHS Junior Varsity Player Blake Bell said, ”Impacting people and their families is our main priority but collecting more than the girls is just a plus.”
Both programs are working extremely hard to promote the 2nd annual eyewear collection project. CHS students or staff that are willing to contribute to the project is very appreciated by the boys and girls basketball programs.