Another year has passed, but for the yearbook staff, this only means more things to come. With senior quotes, ensuring it’ll be error-free, and surprises in store, this yearbook staff plans on it being something special.
Although there was a rumor going around about taking away senior quotes, they are still in action. There was a struggle on whether or not to keep them but Mrs. Lori Lackland, a first-time yearbook advisor, explains that they have come to a conclusion to keep them. “I love senior quotes in that they give young people a voice, and then it becomes a published book, and then it becomes a record of your own history that you can always look back on.” She explains.
But, the problem was, so many people had inappropriate quotes causing parents to call in, angry about them. At first, they were going to be scrapped, but Mr. Tim Fox disagreed. “Mr. Fox fought tooth and nail for these quotes,” Lackland said. “He’s like, ‘You know there have been a lot of changes, and the kids are having a bit of a hard time with that. And we don’t want to take away something that is their voice first of all, and second of all, that they see as tradition. It would be taking away one more tradition and maintaining it is that important to me that I look at every single one with you to make sure that they are appropriate.” With that being said, senior quotes are back on.
There has also been a lot of effort to make sure that there will be no errors in the yearbook, especially around names being spelled correctly and having the right picture with the right name. Fox, who oversees the yearbook production, said, “I still have my yearbooks from high school, y’know? And I want to be able to look back and see that my name is correct.” Yearbooks are meant to hold memories of school, and the producers of the yearbook want to make sure that everything is perfect so those memories can be savored. To further ensure that there will be no mistakes, they’re planning on sending out a google forms email to all the students, checking with them that their information is spelled correctly.
Lackland has also mentioned that not only is she excited for how it’s going to turn out, but because she has a few ‘surprises’ in store that she wanted to keep a secret. The cover, while also secret, will have different textures and visual aspects of it. The book itself will be divided into chapters, with fall sports in one section and people in another.
Though there are a lot of students to take into account, the yearbook staff are pulling it off, and Lackland is glad to have a group of hardworking, creative, and smart people to help her make it. With their help, she wants to make it so all sorts of students will appear in the yearbook and distribute the attention among the many.
Some students aren’t happy with how some of the other yearbooks have gone. Michela Potratz, a senior, said, “I’m not a fan. They kinda mess it up sometimes.”
All in all, this year’s yearbook might just be the best so far, and with senior quotes still in practice and secrets to be shown, it shows promising results of being just that.