Camas High School students and staff tend to stumble upon a large, furry dog walking around campus; his name is Cooper, and he is a Bernese Mountain dog. Cooper serves as a therapy dog and friend to students at Camas High School.

CHS Social Studies teacher Kristi Bridges is Cooper’s owner. For the last four years Cooper has worked with seniors as a senior project, offering reading sessions for elementary students.
In addition to his official duties, Cooper is a bright spot in the day for any student walking around the hallways of Camas High.
CHS Junior Michael Windom said, “I really enjoy having Cooper around. Whenever I am feeling down about something I just go pet him a few times and I am back on my feet.”
Some students actually use Cooper as way to help cope with some serious stress.
CHS Freshman Erick Ortiz said, “Sometimes I got into pet Cooper before a big exam of some sort just to get some comfort everything’s going to be alright.”
This past year Cooper took part in an event called “Read to the Dog,” a student’s senior project, which involved him listening to children practice their reading skills twice a week, helping the kids gain massive amounts of confidence.
Students and staff shared their impressions of Cooper when they saw him for the first time. Some students shared how shocked they were when they saw the giant Bernese.
CHS Junior Nate Bell said, “I hadn’t ever seen a dog so big; it was absolutely mind-blowing but cool at the same time.” Some students did not think much about the enormous dog prancing the halls.
CHS Junior Jared King said, “I didn’t think much about it. I have seen many dogs the same size as Cooper.”
So, if Cooper passes by students or staff in the hall, make sure to say hello, and make an effort to go and pet him because he could inevitably end up relieving some stress.