It is almost that time of year again when Camas High School basketball gets ready to make another push for a stellar season. With a very hard league that lays ahead, the team reflects on the past and what they can do for the future to get better.

Reflecting on the past season the papermakers ended up going twelve and six, a very respected record. However, the team is not always decided on how many points they score, how many rebounds they get and even their record but more about what they give energy, mentally and physically wise. Coach Josephson said “We played with a lot of energy in games. Varsity consistently out-hustled their opponents this season.“ Not just coaches recognized this but also the players, Senior Isaiah Sampson said, ”We gave it everything we had last season especially energy and heart.” JV players reflected on the past season, Sophomore Christian Lenard said, “Our season was super fun, I always love spending time with a great group of guys, and we also had major success on the court.”
Moving forward players shared action they took in preparing for this upcoming season and what they are looking forward to the most. Sophomore Blake Bell said, “I have been going to the gym almost every day getting up shots and lifting in prep for the season, and I am just excited for the grind and being with the boys.” Also, Sophomore Cameron Smith said,”I did not do that much to prepare, I just want to go out there and have a great time.” Coach Josephson shared some ways that will set Camas basketball up for success this season, “How our athletes choose to spend their time in the offseason is going to be the most influential determinant of our success this upcoming season. If players are dedicated to continuing to improve their game in the months ahead, big things can happen.”
In conclusion, the Camas Boys basketball team is more prepared than ever, with much time to reflect and prepare for the upcoming season. The boys open up their season against the Hillsboro Spartans on November 30th.