Some people do not know what they are doing until senior year of high school while others know right from the get go. For LaMar Haugaard, he knew what he wanted to do ever since he was a kid. There are many professions to choose from but for Haugaard, he knew from the beginning.

LaMar Haugaard is a commercial pilot and has been flying since he was a student in the late 70’s. There are many reasons Haugaard started flying but for him is mostly because the work days are super fun and you meet new people every day. Getting to where Haugaard is not easy, it takes many years just to become a pilot, as Haugaard explained there are multiple stages you have to complete before you get your license and become certified. Then, the pilot has to work several years for an airline to become a captain, the pilot’s technique cannot be sub-par it has to be perfect.
One of the things that attracted Haugaard to the profession is the working as a team feeling you experience as a pilot because as explained by Haugaard, “flying is a team activity, team effort and a lot of problem-solving that you have to do together all things you learn in school.” Haugaard really touched on the piece, that schools prepared him for working in groups in with others and that this is a lifelong tool. Students shared their opinions on why group work in school is important, Sophomore Luke McCabe said, ”Group work in school prepares us for whatever profession we want to go into, and it gives us an inside on what we will be experiencing on a daily basis.”
Something that Haugaard touched on is that trigonometry and heavy math’s are almost used on a daily basis. However, there are some others that you, in fact, need such as meteorology and of course pilot training. Haugaard says, “I have studied clouds for so long now, that I am pretty much a cloud expert.” Some things students took away from the presentation was that there was a lot that there was a lot unknown, Junior Jared King said, ”There was a lot I took away from that, that I thought I knew but I really didn’t.”
In conclusion, obviously, Lamar Haugaard has had to work very hard to where he is. His main motivators drove off passion, commitment, and, love for what he does. Camas High School was very lucky to have such a great guest.