Being a new teacher at a high school is daunting, with 2,207 kids it can be kind of hectic. Although, for Mrs. Deanna Rusk, she has fit right into the Papermaker system. This new mathematics teacher has been around the area before. Rusk shared, “I have always loved the small town vibe, and the students have been great which has made the adjustment very smooth.”

Previously, Rusk was teaching at Astoria High School for eight years and came back to the community because she loves the environment of Camas. Rusk would not have got into to teaching without the guidance of her mother. When asked about how she got into her career, she answered: “probably my mom getting me to volunteer in a classroom in college.” Her friends also played a huge part in coming to Camas High School. In her own words, “I talked to friends who’d been here and other places and they said this was their favorite.”
Rusk is already enjoying Camas, even in the short time she has been working here. While she has no favoring periods or people, she loves how friendly everyone is. “It was very welcoming from the get-go,” Rusk said. “A lot of students and staff reaching out and being very kind and polite.” Camas has left her quite the impression.
Students shared their appreciation for the new teacher, Sophomore Jaxon Mayer said, “ I am really happy Mrs. Rusk is here, she is always so kind and supportive.”
Although Rusk ending up teaching Algebra, she really wanted to do something science related in high school. Growing up, teaching was not always her dream, she wanted to pursue the medical field. Elaborating further, Rusk said, “A nurse or a doctor, cause I love the rush in working with people.” Which relates to teaching in a way.
While the 2018-2019 school year is just getting underway, Rusk hopes to spend a long time at CHS and make many future memories here. Say ‘Hello’ to Mrs. Rusk if you see her around the hall and help the Camasonian welcome her to campus.