Only a few weeks of school remain, so it is very easy to ride out the rest of the year on the lazy train. However, doing this might come back to bite students who choose to go down this path. Here are some key things that all students, not just seniors, should check off their list before the end of the year.
First on the list are overdue library books and textbooks. There are currently 2,359 books checked out from the library that must be returned before the end of the year. All together, there are currently $10,593 in unpaid fines from books and textbooks alone. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors must turn in all textbooks before the end of the year. If this deadline is not met, a ten dollar fine will be processed, even if the textbook is returned at the start of next year. For seniors, all textbooks must be returned by June 8th in order to receive a diploma at graduation on June 15th. Also, any other books need to be checked in by June 13th. This deadline also applies to the rest of the school for non-textbook items checked out from the library.
- Next: fines at the ASB window. At the time this article was published, about seventy seniors still had unpaid fines. There are currently 568 students with unpaid fines that add up to more than $30,000. Remember, seniors must have all fines cleared in order to receive graduation tickets which are handed out after Senior-Father Breakfast on the morning of June 14th. Some of the most common fines (other than books) are science lab and art fees, sports fees, and P.E. lock fees.
This last one applies directly to the senior class. On June 11th and 12th, seniors who checked out a Chromebook from the library at the onset of this year will turn them back in at the library in their English classes. This is the only time the library will be taking Chromebooks, so remember to bring them on those days. Students should return their Chromebooks along with a case and charger in order to avoid a fine. A lost charger will be processed as a fifty dollar fine without insurance and a twenty dollar fine with insurance. Other fines come from damage to the screen, keyboard, touchpad, charging port, or hinge of the Chromebook. A full replacement of the Chromebook will cost seniors $150.
These are things that every single student should check before either graduating or heading off to summer vacation. While this is not a coverall for everything students should check on, it is sure to give students somewhat of an idea about some of the biggest things they should look out for.