Students throughout the Camas School District are used to seeing the friendly face and black uniform of Officer Fellows. However, in the coming weeks, expect to see a new driver behind the wheel of that school district police SUV.
After five years as the school resource officer for the Camas School District, Officer Tim Fellows has decided to rotate back into patrol. His replacement, Officer Jason Langman, recently spent a few days on the job with Fellows, learning the “ins” and “outs” of the position.

There is no doubt students and staff alike grew attached to Officer Fellows. From giving lectures to students around the district and educating them on current issues the community faces, to sinking shots and breaking ankles in the annual Camas Police Department versus Camas Fire Department basketball game, Officer Fellows is certainly a name everyone in the district recognizes. Security guard Sean Tamura said, “I’ve gotten to know him pretty well over the past few years, but it seems like he was ready to move on.” Indeed, people all over the district have grown attached to Officer Fellows and will be sad to let him go.
It is easy to see that Officer Langman has some big shoes to fill, but he is definitely up for the challenge. For the past twelve years Langman has been on the force working the graveyard shift. “It’ll be a good change of pace,” he said. He is also really looking forward to meeting all of the students and staff both here at Camas High School and throughout the District. Earlier in January, Officer Fellows and Officer Langman toured the various campuses throughout the District, giving Officer Langman a feel for what he will be tasked with in the coming years. He also knows jiu jistu, so watch out.
Students and staff who see Officer Laneman on campus, please give him a warm welcome. And while Officer Fellows is moving back to patrol, the District is rapidly expanding. As Officer Fellows put it, “you never know if I’ll be back on campus.”