Camas High School has added many members in the math department this year. Mrs. Atzmiller and Mrs. Carroll are proud new members. Although they have very different levels of experience, Atzmiller with only one year of teaching and Carroll with fourteen, they are both eager for their years to come at CHS.
Before teaching at CHS, Atzmiller subbed at a school of 84 students. She states, “The hustle and bustle is a lot more than I have experienced”. However, Carroll has taught at only large schools and is very used to the crowded halls and packed classrooms. The students and staff have been both very welcoming and extremely respectful. Atzmiller and Carroll agree that the students are “way more respectful and on top of things than other schools”.
Atzmiller and Carroll agree that the students are “way more respectful and on top of things than other schools”. Atzmiller and Carroll are very appreciative of how much parents get involved in the school and how successful Camas is from their previous schools.
Although Camas is an awesome school, these new teachers find that some things could be more effective. Atzmiller thinks, “Size is an issue, the opportunities lost from so many students being involved that it has become a competition to even be in a sporting event or club activity without being the best of the best”, Carroll agrees that, “Students feel less of a number and more looked at and involved than one in two thousand”.
With a lot of the similar opinions on Camas High School, they also share similar reasons for becoming teachers, “I always had amazing math and science teachers, knowing I could teach others and have them understand was just a moment of this is what I want to do”, Atzmiller explained. On the other hand, Carroll says,“School was my safe place and I want to make other students feel safe and have a place to go where they feel un-judged and getting the knowledge they need”.
Being a teacher is a very awe-inspiring profession yet both of these new teachers firmly recommend that if a student is going towards that path to make sure you absolutely are in love. Teaching for a few days versus a year is a whole new ball game.