As the cold days start to approach, CHS students and faculty know one thing: winter is coming. Cold days in Camas involve heavy rain, hail, snow, and even ice; put that together and it can lead to school closure and even an extended school year.
Camas is full of surprises, and one never knows what winter may bring. Sometimes it is just a few flakes and another winter snow may keep drivers from even getting out of their driveways.

In speaking with both students and teachers, there is a wide array of thoughts about bad winter weather. Camas Athletic Director Rory Oster says, “the ice affects my route to school, and puts me in a bad mood.’’ On the other hand, some people make the most of the bad weather and enjoy the time outside. Sophomore Jared King adds, “I don’t like to miss days of valuable education to the snow days.”
Possibly one of the biggest challenges for Camas residents and especially CHS students and faculty is how unpredictable the winter weather can be. It can be raining on a Monday which moves into freezing rain and snow by Tuesday. Freshman Christian Lenard says, “Preparing is very stressful so I just wait until it actually happens.”
But snow days are not all about stress. Every cloud has a silver lining. Caleb Shira said “ I enjoy taking time to play in the snow” while Lenard offered, “I like hanging out with the family inside, and sometimes hanging around the fire.” But Lenard shares something that frustrates him: “when I am trying to walk to my mailbox there can be pure ice and the conditions can be very hazardous.”
All this goes to prove that bad winter weather affects people differently. It remains to be seen if the CHS community will experience the type of extreme winter weather again this year, but all that can be done is react to what arrives, some more enthusiastically than others(.)
Jared KIng • Nov 14, 2017 at 8:20 AM
very very good article chase! I enjoy the way you take time out of your day to ask students their opinions/thoughts on the subject, I also like the way you include great detail in your article.
Daniel Pridemore • Nov 14, 2017 at 7:54 AM
Very nice piece for a freshman. Snow is an occasional conflict here and there, so this article is fairly relevant.
mia • Nov 14, 2017 at 7:48 AM
The quotes from different people of various grades, made the article better.
riley sinclair • Nov 14, 2017 at 7:45 AM
the man that they interviewed seems to care a lot about his school and class time
Teegan Gorsuch • Nov 14, 2017 at 7:45 AM
I think the sources had good input
Jackson Gibbs • Nov 14, 2017 at 7:45 AM
I really liked and related to Jared King’s comment!
Philip • Nov 14, 2017 at 7:44 AM
I think Jared king had a really insiteful comment about the weather.