Play as a team, win as a team, lose as a team; this is the motto and or philosophy that the Camas softball team adheres to. Although many sports fans identify softball as an individual sport, players like the Camas softball team would beg to contradict that belief. Each player has their own specific responsibility on the field, and it is up to every player to work as an entire unit together in order to function well. Each player has to rely on their teammate to back them up and do their role. So, like their motto says, “ Work as a team.”
Head coach, Brandy Reed and four-year veteran, Ally Hancock have high hopes for this season and what has yet to come. Hancock said, “ our expectations were to do well, win league and go as far as we possibly could.” The girls go to bi-districts soon, and if all expectations are withheld, they could possibly play until the beginning of June at state. In years prior, the girls established a comfortable spot in the ranks, going to state three years ago and taking fourth in state two years ago and then third the next.
Coach Reed’s expectations were similar to that of Hancock’s but as the coach, she also said: “ I expect the girls to show up and play hard on and off the field.” The key to their successes thus far has been the aspect of family. The family unity they practice only betters their performance as a team in games. The combination of talent and team performance is what helped Camas defeat their major rival competition: Union. Now, the girls wait until their team abilities will be tested again in their upcoming bi-districts and beyond.