Joyce Meyer is known as one of the world’s foremost Bible teachers and influencers. Meyer is the founder and president of Joyce Meyer ministries, which reaches nearly every corner

of the globe.
Her ministries include feeding programs, medical care, homes for orphans, and programs combatting human trafficking. Not only has Meyer inspired men and women through her missions, but also in over 100 books she’s authored in more than 100 different translations and through close to a dozen domestic and international conferences every year visited by hundreds of thousands.
Meyer teaches people to enjoy their everyday lives and to find hope and restoration through their God. Joyce hosts a TV and radio show; Enjoying Everyday Life®, which broadcasts worldwide to a potential audience of 4.5 billion people.
Through her podcasts, conventions, ministries and conventions, Meyer empowers men and women from every part of life to believe in God if they want to believe in God. She teaches the power of strength to believe and reach out and touch their God.
Meyer offers a spiritual guidance to billions and inspiration to not be torn down by the world around them for believing in a God. Meyer is like any other motivational speaker, sparking a flame inside the hearts and minds of believers and even non-believers to be a light in a world full of darkness.