Emma Watson is best known for her iconic acting work as Hermione Granger in the famous Harry Potter series, but in her 26 years of life, she has managed to accomplish so much more. Not only is she a prestigious actress, but a renowned feminist and a genuine human being.

In 2014, Watson gave a speech to the UN for the HeForShe organization, a group encouraging men and boys to take a stand for women equality and equal pay. Her inspirational speech has almost 2 million views on YouTube and is a founding piece for the HeForShe organization. To continue her feminist work, Watson created a feminist book club last January called Our Shared Shelf. Every month she posts a new novel on her website for her fellow members to read. Then at the end of every month, there is a weeklong discussion started by Watson, open to all book group members.
Watson not only actively promotes equality in her real life but tries to carry her beliefs into her work as an actress. Whether she is portraying Hermione Granger or Bell in the new Beauty and the Beast, Watson always brings a sense of independence and intelligence to each of her roles. She gives young girls around the world characters to live up to, someone inspiring and strong.

After the Harry Potter series, Watson said this about playing Hermione Granger: “Young girls are told you have to be the delicate princess. Hermione taught them that you can be the warrior.”
Emma Watson has dedicated a huge portion of her life to equality and has so far accomplished an impressive amount for her age. The world is excited to see what the future has in store for Watson, or what Watson has in store for the world.