In continuing with the tumultuous theme of the Trump’s Administration, in the past week the FBI has opened up investigation in order to pursue claims that members of his campaign and now staff was, and may still possibly be in contact with the Russian Government in regards to issues such as national security.
On December 9th, former President Barack Obama began the proceedings for what would seemingly be a very long and arduous investigation into the allegations of the Russian hackers and campaign correspondence; the Senate has recently decided that they too will launch an investigation.

After the Trump Administration came into office, it was revealed that the Republican Party, and associates of Trump may have had contact with Russian Intelligence, telling them about plans for relations once Trump was in office. The FBI held an investigation and have found direct evidence against Trump’s now former National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, proving that he had a conversation with Russian officials. Flynn was forced to resign and now his chairman Paul Manafort is under investigation for further relations and attempt to sabotage the Democratic Party with the help of the Russians. Both Trump and Sean Spicer claim this is untrue, but there has been evidence released against these statements made by the Trump Admin.
This is not the first spot of controversy during Trump’s presidency so far, as many Americans are outraged at his executive orders, cabinet and department nominations, as well as other minor dilemmas such as the Nordstrom issue. All of these negative events are leaving many feeling distrustful in Trump’s ability to put aside selfish notions and lead this country confidently and with conviction.
Such uncertainty is hitting every corner of the country, including Camas, as Mrs. Bridges, the AP Government and Policy teacher explains that she feels as though the the FBI investigation is “incredibly distracting” and that “nothing truly meaningful will get done in office until it is resolved.”
Students of Camas are split over the new administration, just as the rest of the nation is. Jacob Bedont, a senior, also comments on the FBI-Trump Administration situation, claiming that “this has really been crazy to watch; I’ve never see so much controversy and finger pointing during a presidential term.”
Trump supporters or haters alike, all are Americans and this continued disdain and dissonance is undoubtedly creating negative tidal waves in the United States. One can only hope that there is some sort of relief around the corner, and continue to hold on to the ideals of democracy, and put a bit of faith in Donald Trump to fulfill his new role thoughtfully.