It’s hard to see the big picture in life, just like not being able to see the entire forest through the trees. This is the meaning behind Mr. Morgan and Mr. Greene’s band, “For the Trees.” They play a combination of rock and roll and indie music, creating a 70s vibe to their sound.
Other bands similar to their sound include “Caveman,” “The Replacements,” and “Wilco,” all characteristic of a guitar based sound.
“For the Trees,” three years old now, consists of four members, Sam Greene, Stewart Morgan, Ross Morgan and Ray Yurkewycz and each has been playing music for over ten years!
Stewart Morgan remembers a favorite performance at the DuneFest in Oregon. A fold-out stage from a semi-truck, motorcycle stunts in front of the crowd, and a mountain scenery were the best parts of the memorable performance. Greene stated that his favorite performance was at the White Eagle McMenamins in Portland because of the atmosphere and the historic story to the building.
Their most important piece of advice for aspiring musicians is to keep a day job as it can be very hard to “make your love your work.” They also said that it was important to set goals, for example, when performing, play a cover song every four songs to hook the audience back in.
For more information about the band and their music visit: www.forthetreesmusic.com.
Story submitted by Claire Bauer. Submit your story here.
Lisa • Feb 15, 2017 at 11:22 AM