Many seniors are graduating from Camas High School this year and plenty of them have done some cool things. One person has designed a fully functional lightsaber prop and rose through the ranks in their club in just a single year; Christopher Han.

In its prototype phase, the lightsaber has been able to light up in multiple colors and play various sound effects from the “Star Wars” movies. Through his senior project, Han has been able to explore his career focus in engineering.
“I plan on going to Oregon State University for electrical engineering,” Han said.
“He had an idea of what to do in the beginning and he continued developing it and had to go through different iterations of the lightsaber,” Han’s mentor Matthew Chase said. “It’s been a lot of fun and I think he learned a lot.”
Han has also experienced his share of difficulties when working on this project.
“He originally built it in a hollow tube, but when he started moving it around all the electronics started flopping everywhere,” Chase said. “I think it was a lot more work than he had anticipated.”
Along with his senior project, Han has taken on a big role in the esports club as team captain to end his last year of high school with a bang.
“We have one team captain that organizes Google forms to figure out who wants to be on which team and hold tryouts for teams,” esports club president Collin Burgess said. “He assumed the role of team captain this year and he’s honestly been doing better than I did the last two years.”
“Esports is the only club I joined this year, so I wanted to get involved with it,” Han said. “It felt like I was taking charge of some direction in the club.”
However, the esports club has had its fair share of troubles this year with their most recent trip at the end of May being canceled due to their supervisor being sick.
“It’s definitely been worse than other years as there have been more challenges,” Burgess said.
“I was involved in the coordination of the esports trip,” Han said. “It never happened, but it was still fun to participate in organizing all of the forms because it felt like I had a role to do.”