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The Camasonian

The Camasonian

The Everyday Importance of Consuming News

A flyer for the Camas High School Newspaper

Consuming news may seem like a mundane thing to do and some believe they only need to read headlines of stories in order to figure out what’s going on in the world around them. This prospect of only reading headlines is not the most effective way to consume news; it is important to read actual stories to figure out what is happening in the world around us. 

Previous years’ Camasonian yearly magazine

“It’s important to be aware of what’s happening around you, especially if you’re about to be entering the ‘real world’ since certain law changes may affect [certain aspects of your life],” sophomore Esther Nyaturu said. 

Knowledge is one of the most powerful things we as students have and can attain so it is important that we make sure we are always aware of what is going on around us so that we can stay educated and informed. It is also important to be knowledgeable about what is going on around us since there could be actual impacts on us as well even in a small town like Camas, WA.

“It’s important to stay updated about current events since it can further educate people and result in educated decision-making,” sophomore Declan Lenihan said. 

An already touched-on subject that has to do with knowledge of current events is the elections of 2024 and it is vital to stay updated on what is going on in the news to make educated decisions when it comes to who to elect. 

“Students tend to view their lives as a microcosm of living in Camas but so much happens on a broader scale which can have more of an impact on their lives and futures than they realize,” English and journalism teacher Kate Gooding said. 

Even if we do live in a small town there are still decisions made that affect us and we are not separate from a majority of these decisions so we must stay up to date on what is happening in our world and how it will affect us. 

News can also be a great way to bring support to a cause like getting funding for a donation for someone with an illness or spreading the word about a terrible event with information provided on how to support people in need and those who are struggling.

The consumption of news can also spread misinformation so it is always important to fact-check resources to make sure that the information is accurate because sometimes a falsehood can be spread which can be harmful in the long run. 

It is important to stay up to date on current happenings in the world and if anyone would like to write news or consume more news journalism is just the class for that.

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Olivia Steele
Olivia Steele, Staff Writer

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