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The Camasonian

The Camasonian

Senior Feature: Jessie Chase

MST at the Ape Caves on senior skip day, courtesy of Tyler Sutherland.

Jessie Chase, a Camas High School (CHS) senior, has led a rather successful high school career. Chase was part of the Math, Science and Technology (MST) Magnet program all four years, exploring her academic interests. Chase participated in the CHS DECA program this year, making it to internationals, which she was very proud of. She participated in National Honors Society (NHS), as well as Key Club, growing her leadership and service skills. Chase’s biggest involvement was in ASB/Leadership. Her sophomore year, Chase served as sophomore class treasurer and during her junior and senior years, she served as ASB Vice President. Chase explains that she is very thankful for the experience she gained through leadership.

Chase’s senior portrait, courtesy of Jaycee Manning.

“Leadership has helped me get involved in different volunteering, planning and being in different school events throughout the years,” Chase said.

Despite all these avenues Chase has gone down, she feels most proud of her ability to value herself and the friendships she has made in high school. Being a part of various clubs helped Chase find a sense of belonging, which she treasures most. The skills Chase has picked up have prepared her for what is to come in college and her greater future.

Chase credits a great portion of her success to Mrs. Abraham, one of the Magnet teachers at CHS. Chase is so thankful to have worked with Mrs. Abraham the last four years.

“Abe has not only been a teacher that has connected with me and her other students, but someone that has stayed connected even when I don’t have a class with her,” Chase said.

Chase (center) with Lorelei McCarthy and Kaitlin Zeamer at the 2023 Cispus Leadership Camp, courtesy of ASB.

Looking ahead, Chase will be attending the University of Washington (UW) to major in engineering. Chase attributes much of her decision-making process to Magnet. She is happy Magnet allowed her to explore many different areas of study.

UW felt like home for Chase.

“I think my big decision to attend UW really stems from simply falling in love with the campus itself, but also the programs and really great academics it offers,” Chase said.

Chase wishes to leave the incoming class of seniors with these key pieces of advice: be involved, explore your interests and focus on yourself. Senior year, complemented with the stressful college application process, can be quite tough for students. Chase hopes people will surround themselves with people who both leave a positive impact on others, and are a positive impact themselves. 

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Lucy Farland
Lucy Farland, Staff Writer

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