The Student News Site of Camas High School

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The Camasonian

The Camasonian

Senior Feature: Macx Ong


Camas High School (CHS) is not unfamiliar to great student artists. This year, one senior who stands out is the Camasonians’ very own Macx Ong. He has enjoyed many different art classes at CHS, which sparked a passion that led him to participate in several local art competitions. 

Ong took his first ceramics class during his sophomore year, inspiring his love for the medium. 

“Insides”: Ong’s award winning ceramics piece

“It is very forgiving and free-forming, meaning you can do pretty much anything you want,” Ong said. 

He has won several awards, including the Southwest Washington Regional High School Art Show in 2022 with a ceramic mask titled “Insides,” and an honorable mention in the Washington State Superintendents High School Art show with the same piece that year. 

This particular art piece is one of Ong’s favorites, made as a reflection of his childhood. 

“Growing up, it was always hard for me to convey any feeling that wasn’t positive because it made me feel weak,” Ong said. “‘Insides is about my journey in reconnecting with my lost emotions.”

Ong’s other favorite pieces include “Scars” and “Dad,” both very personal. The paper titled “Dad” has his dad’s handwriting saying the words “you and me kid, from dad” which is important to Ong not only because of their close relationship, but because he takes inspiration from his dad. His dad is an artist and is the reason Ong started making art in the first place. 


After high school, Ong plans to take a gap year. He has also won a merit-based scholarship to Otis College of Art and Design for his artistic talent. 

“Fall of 2025, I will be going to Los Angeles for art school,” Ong said, planning to continue his passion and turn it into a career. 

Overall, Ong has an impressive list of accomplishments—placing in or winning at least six art competitions with his pieces. In addition to his art, he has been a part of the Camasonian for two years, editing videos and general media as well as filming countless projects for the school. 

“I’ve always loved filming and editing the Souki videos … he’s a real life cartoon character,” Ong said. 

Additionally, both the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years’ Camasonian magazines were edited largely by Ong and Camasonian Editor-in-Chief Maggie Lind. Throughout his high school years, Ong became an irreplaceable part of the journalism classroom and the CHS art community, leaving his impact through his talent and hard work.

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Carter Faddis
Carter Faddis, Staff Writer

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