High schools all over the United States have been participating in an event known as “Senior Assassins”, which is a
battle-royale-style competition where students of the senior class attempt to eliminate their peers with water guns to be the last person standing and usually receive some sort of prize. This event is a fairly new trend that has been
popularized and publicized with the use of different social media platforms including Instagram and TikTok. It has taken Camas High School by storm and serves as an exciting way for senior students to end their last year of high

The main objective of Senior Assassins is to successfully eliminate the target assigned to you, which is accomplished by shooting your target with a water gun. There are a handful of different rules and regulations involved. For example, there is an existing set of immunity items like goggles and pool floaties that grant the wearer immunity from being eliminated. Every Friday a “Purge” commences, where all immunity items are granted ineffective and students can eliminate anyone, not just their targets. None of these events take place on campus to avoid violating school code and policies. “Assassins” are instead encouraged to carry out their eliminations in public places or homes. There is a $5 entry fee to
participate in the event, which has led to an allocated prize pot of over $1,000 this year for the winner of Senior Assassins.
Video proof must be submitted to the Camas Senior Assassins Instagram account to verify proper elimination and progression in the competition. Everyday, new videos are posted to update the student body on who is advancing throughout the event and who was eliminated.
“Most people seem to enjoy the game. The video submissions are so fun to watch and some are just really funny. Everyone at school talks about it and all the seniors get really involved,” shared Senior Lorelei McCarthy, one of the owners of the Camas Senior Assassins Instagram page and main coordinators of the event.

“I enjoy Senior Assassins because I think it’s fun to participate with my friends and shoot people with water guns,” explained senior Myna Kommarreddy.
While the event can get very competitive and aggressive at times, the fun-spirited nature of the competition and its ability to bring the senior community together before graduation serves as a definitive symbol of school spirit and unity.
“I think it should be an annual event because it really brings together the senior class and you get to meet people you otherwise never would have interacted with,” said senior Shiven Friedeman.