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The Camasonian

CHS Choir Tour to NYC

CHS choirs singing at Revolution Hall with Alicia Jo Rabins

Next week, 91 Camas High School (CHS) students will embark on a five-day journey to New York City (NYC) to share the music they have been working on since early this year. 

“I Was A Desert!,” the project CHS students have been working on, will wrap up on Thursday, May 23rd at the Jewish Heritage Museum in NYC. 

“I’m most excited to have the students receive the opportunity to perform for real people on a real stage, and not just parents,” Ethan Chessin said.

The CHS choir collaborated with singer/songwriter Alicia Jo Rabins and are ready to perform. 

The collaboration has been in the works for a long time and because of the amount of support she gets from people in NYC it seemed like the perfect place to go on tour.

While there, the choir are doing numerous activities including watching the opera “Carmen” and “Cabaret,” a famous musical. 

“I’ve been there before once and we did not get enough time to go and see everything so I’m excited to go see the different types of stuff Mr. Chessin has planned for us,” senior Angelo Luchini said.

Famous landmarks CHS choirs plans on visiting include the Statue of Liberty, Battery Park, the Brooklyn Bridge and Times Square.

“In some ways I’ve been planning this tour since 2020,” Ethan Chessin, the choir director at CHS, said.

The large number of students, along with the jam-packed schedule the tour offers, required a lot of planning. 

The most tumultuous part of the tour is going to be transportation throughout NYC. Everyone will take the subway, which many students haven’t had experience with before.

Getting 91 students and a number of chaperones to the same location, with train switches, amongst other challenges, will prove to be a challenge. 

There are several safety measures in place to ensure nothing happens, and a plan for if a group of people do happen to take the wrong train. 

“I’m really excited to go explore New York with some of my close friends,” junior Dalilah Cunningham said.

In the past, other tour locations have been San Francisco, Vancouver B.C., Boise and Seattle.

The choir tour to NYC is going to be a week to remember. Students continue to  express their excitement for the opportunity to perform and see everything this city has to offer.

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Lila McGeachy
Lila McGeachy, Staff Writer

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