At Camas High School (CHS), students hold all sorts of beliefs and speculations about what neighboring schools and students from said schools are like. There are stereotypes and expectations, but the real question is, are these beliefs rooted in the truth or simply teenage rumors?
The number of rumors has grown substantially, making teachers more concerned about its effects on young minds.
“I think that the big issue is racial and classist stereotypes that people hold, especially toward areas or schools in a lower socioeconomic area,” CHS choir teacher Ethan Chessin said. “For example, when we go to places in Portland, people ask me if we’re going to somewhere dangerous or ‘ghetto.’”

One school across from CHS, Washougal High School (WHS), receives many rumors surrounding them due to the rivalry with Camas. However, many students recognize the similarities between those enrolled in CHS and WHS.
“I think that [CHS and WHS students are] pretty similar, except [CHS] doesn’t have country people. We have country people,” a WHS sophomore said. “We have people that live in the country, and [CHS] probably doesn’t have that at all. Our school is also really old. Some parts are not as up-to-date as Camas is.”
There is also a lot of speculation about Mountain View High School (MVHS) and the students attending, but the main stereotype is that the facilities and buildings are not the best, causing many students at CHS to think lower of the school.
“People don’t think that our school is very nice, and I understand why they think that, but it just got remodeled and it’s really nice. It’s like three stories, sometimes two depending on the building,” an MVHS freshman said.

With the recent remodeling of MVHS, students enjoy a newer campus with the same facilities as those in CHS.
Hayes Freedom High School (HFHS), a small neighboring school of CHS, has undergone much criticism over the years. Many have heard rumors that HFHS is known for its poor education system, peculiar students and other stereotypes. However, many HFHS students see no difference between themselves and CHS, shedding light on the speculations.
“I don’t know much about CHS, but I think teachers [at HFHS] are much nicer than the ones at Camas. [The campus is] pretty small too, so it’s actually more comfortable,” an HFHS sophomore said.
“[CHS students] think that people at Hayes are weird, but they’re not. They’re cool, and I have a buttload of friends already,” an HFHS freshman said.
Many CHS students find rumors circulating about Discovery High School (DHS) due to its unique, project-based learning style, but most DHS students enjoy the more modern approach to education.
“[There are] tons of teachers to help you out and tons of other students,” a DHS freshman said. “DHS is a pretty safe environment. None of the students are mean or anything.”
Overall, speculation continues circulating among CHS students about other schools and themselves. Still, most of these rumors come from a lack of knowledge and experience with neighboring schools and districts. Students from neighboring schools are relatively the same as CHS students, as are the teachers and facilities.