Courts for Kids Recap


Kalei Moravitz, Staff Writer

Camas High Schools’ most recent Courts for Kids trip over spring break in Guatemala has officially concluded, leaving students impacted after the experience. 

Every year, Camas High Schools’ (CHS) Spanish program takes a group of students to a different location throughout Mexico and South America. 

The trip is named “Courts for Kids,” as the objective of the trip is to build a multi-use sports court for communities in need. This year, students were taken to Guatemala and traveled to an indigenous community. For one week, the students became deeply involved in the culture and practices of the community.

“It really helps us focus on relationships rather than material things because we’re not on our phones, it forces us to build those relationships and be talking with people,” said Spanish teacher Jamie Rodda.

Several students also report feeling less connected to material items, and more connected to meaningful relationships,

“My biggest takeaway was that not everyone has the material wealth that we do but at the end of the day that’s not all there is to life,” said sophomore Josiah Huang.

The trip began on March 31 and concluded on April 9. Several emotions were in the air prior to the trip, but all who attended left with heightened feelings of joy and gratitude.

“I was really excited to go, it was definitely one thing I looked forward to… I kept telling myself I was so excited to live in a different place,” said Alyssa Poloma.

Compared to other groups in the past, this group entered the trip more confidently than others in the past.

“This group was super outgoing from the get-go and everyone was willing to interact with the locals really easily… I think some people were a little nervous about the work, but once we got into it they got more comfortable,” said Rodda.

All who attended the trip reported positive experiences with the community they joined.

“This community felt super welcoming and really accommodating of us. They were willing to open up their homes and let us in all at once,” said Rodda.

“They were all so sweet, welcoming, and comforting,” said Poloma.

“Come on a Courts for Kids trip! Everyone should do it! Even if you don’t speak Spanish… It’s open to everyone,” Rodda.