CHS Spring Break Plans

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Spring break is coming up and everybody is looking forward to having a week off from school, stress, and everyday life, but what are Camas High School (CHS) students and staff planning to do during their break? 

 Spring break plans will be different from person to person, with tourist destinations spanning all around the globe. 

Whether it is just relaxing and catching up on sleep – which is what freshman Siena Chalfant and sophomore Rhiannon Teasley will be doing, traveling around the U.S., or even internationally – no one can wait for the beginning of April. 

Freshman Corey Walker-Milligan is going on a trip to the United Kingdom with his father and stepmother to visit family and sightsee around the country. “I’m especially looking forward to eating fish and chips and hopefully watching a rugby game. I started playing rugby this season and it’s so much fun!” said Walker-Milligan.

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CHS math teacher Rebecca Farrester is most excited about seeing the musical Wicked again.

“I’ve watched it everywhere possible and it’s my favorite musical. The storyline, soundtrack, and morale. I just love it,” said Farrester.  

Other students who will be stuck at home are not as excited. “[I’ll be doing] nothing. Probably just catching up on homework,” said freshman Ari Greenstone.

Camasonian co-editor in-chief Maggie Lind has some very interesting plans for spring break. With her family originating from Texas, Lind is quite excited to see a familiar face from her childhood over break after many years of absence. “My childhood best friend is visiting for basically the entire [break]. I haven’t seen her in years and I’m super excited!” said Lind. 

A lot of students, like sophomore Sophie Holtcamp or senior Mia Gieseler, are taking trips around the United States – ranging from going to Disneyland in California to visiting family in Phoenix, Arizona.

Map of Mia Gieseler’s spring break plans. Photo Courtesy Mia Gieseler

Senior Ryan Brennan is traveling to New York. “I’m excited to go to New York because my friend is going to be taking me to Brighton Beach and we are going to get much Eastern-European and Central-Asian food.” That sounds delicious, right? We are all looking forward to a review!

So, what are your plans for Spring Break this year? Are you taking a trip or just relaxing? The entire Camasonian team wishes you a great week without school!