Is COVID still a concern to students?


Photo Courtesy USA Today

Grace Sommers

During the past two years, Covid has drastically affected the world. Schools were shut down, masks were enforced, and a vaccine was released to help limit the effects of Covid. The Covid vaccine has been a controversial topic due to its very recent creation and lack of clear information on potential long-term effects. Many people refused to get the vaccine because of rumored lung problems as well as fears of infertility after getting vaccinated.

As of October 11, 2022, 80.5% of Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine. 

Recently, there has been a new fourth dose of the vaccine available to the general public. But with that, the rates of Covid hospitalizations have dropped from 151,885 on January 19, 2022, to 21,500 as of October 18, 2022. This drop in rates has caused mask enforcement and social distancing recommendations to stop, and many students to stop worrying about Covid entirely.

“Personally, I feel as though it’s not something we need to be fully worried about at this time as hospitalization rates are not as high as they used to be,” said junior Maddy Webb. On top of this, she said that the vaccine has also helped minimize the spread of Covid and it should be people’s own choice how they handle the pandemic.

Similarly, junior Kristianna Vaznaugh said, “if I get it I get it, I do care about people who are old and immunocompromised though.” 

The general agreement among students seems to be that it should be one’s personal choice surrounding how they handle the situation now. “I feel like people should still be aware and stay home if and when they are sick and if they test positive stay home,” said junior Rae Ketchum. 

Senior Reese Fiddler said, “we can’t just keep worrying about it forever, we need to move on.” Recently, there have been pressing situations with the fires in Clark County, which she pointed out and said that people should be more focused on those instead and how we can prevent similar crises in the future.

All in all, the overall consensus from the students of CHS is that Covid is a less pressing issue as hospitalization rates have dropped, vaccinations are available, and it seems to be spreading less.