New Boys Soccer Varsity Head Coach Josh Stoller Looks to Continue the Success of the Program


Image Courtesy: Logan Garza

Stephen Fewel, Sports Editor

At the end of the 2022 spring season, it was announced that Roland Minder would once again retire as the boys soccer head coach, and Josh Stoller would step in to fill the role. Stoller has been in the soccer program at Camas High School (CHS) for three years, as the JV coach and assistant varsity coach. 

I am honored to have the opportunity to take over the men’s soccer program. To say I am excited to get underway is an understatement. The opportunity to some day lead an historical program, such as, Camas has always been a dream of mine.  At first it seemed like it could be a possibility, but farther down the road. However, the time is now and I’m ready to get to work,” Stoller said. 

Image Courtesy: Brian Gage

An important part of any coach is their philosophy. “A team orientation is my philosophy,” Stoller said, “It puts systems and organization above the individual in all circumstances. It is my belief that individual flair should not be suppressed but directed and incorporated into a system of play. A team oriented, organization above individual player mentality with an attacking mindset. A good offense is the best defense. A Team Culture where everyone buys into the “We Concept” as you represent your school and community in a positive manner.”

Players who have been coached by Stoller in the past think very highly of him, and always have something good to say about him. “I think Josh is going to be an excellent coach for the varsity program. Out of any other of the coaches, Josh has gotten to know the Seniors and Juniors the most because of his involvement since 2019. He knows many of the players’ play styles and can utilize them to our advantage.” Senior Brayden Price said. 

Stoller was first introduced to the coaching staff in the 2019-2020 season where he was brought on by Dan Macaya to be the JV coach that season. Unfortunately, that season ended up being canceled because of the pandemic. The next year Stoller was made the Co-Head Coach with Richard Gooch for the 2020-2021 season because of Dan Macaya’s retirement from the spot. This was a successful year for the Papermakers as they boasted an undefeated season and won the league. The following year the program brought in Roland Minder to be the head coach for the year, and Stoller was made assistant varsity coach for the 2021-2022 season. Now he will take on the role of head coach by himself for the first time in his high school coaching career for the 2022-2023 season. 

“I like having Josh be the head coach for boys soccer this year. He has been in the program for a couple years and everybody has enjoyed having him around. I think that he will have a great start to his head coaching career,” Senior Marco Orlando said. 

Image Courtesy: Logan Garza

Stoller’s good reputation as a coach among the players may be due to his closeness in age. Stoller graduated from CHS in 2015, making him very close in age to many of the players on the team. In addition to his closeness in age, Stoller was also a player for the boys soccer team when he was in high school, and was even the captain of the team his senior year. Josh’s playing career shows his grit and determination as an individual due to the obstacles he had to overcome to attain success in the program. “I worked hard to have a successful playing career at CHS.  It didn’t come immediately for me due to my size and having amazing upperclassmen who played the same position as me. I knew I would have to wait my turn in a program like Camas, despite coming from a starting position on a successful club team,” Stoller said.

“At the end of freshman year, I knew if I wanted to be a contributing member of varsity in the future, I needed to work harder than others.  In the offseason I focused on fitness and came back being one of the top five most fit on the team.  I knew I had the soccer/team knowledge and mentality I just needed to improve my speed of play. I ended my four-year experience at Camas having received, “Most Improved,” “Captain” and “All League.” I think having it not come easy for me has made me a better player and now coach because it has allowed me to relate to all types of athletes,” Stoller said. 

After the success of his playing career for the Camas Soccer Program, Stoller now looks to achieve success as the head coach. “Of course, I want to win! I think it is expected in Camas…. And I want to continue the legacy that has been established by those before me. A lot of the players already know me from coaching in club and/or the years I coached JV and then as Assistant Coach on Varsity. For those players, as well as all the new ones coming into the program this year, I look forward to the opportunity for all of us to get to know one another. I look forward to working hard to earn their trust as a coach. There will never be something I expect the young men to do that I am not willing to do myself. I believe the dedication and effort I put in will show what I expect out of the players who play in my program,” Stoller said. 

Image Courtesy: Logan Garza

One of the reasons the Camas Soccer Program has been so successful was due to the coaching expertise of Roland Minder, who was a mentor for Stoller the past year as he prepared for the head coaching position. “Minder’s passion and knowledge for the game is unparalleled. As a former player of Coach Minder, you learn quickly that you are playing for more than yourself. His intensity and focus are instilled from day one. It is an environment where players are given the tools and tactics to thrive with proper preparation. Coaching alongside Roland was truly an honor. Every day was educational, with his knowledge of the community, school, program, and game. The things I learned from him have helped prepare me for the journey ahead,” Stoller said.

Stoller’s experiences as a coach and a player in the Camas Soccer Program make him the perfect candidate for the job. With all his credentials, Stoller looks to lead the Camas Papermakers to a successful season. “I will be striving to achieve a program that is known for excellence on and off the field. We will be involved with supporting other sports teams throughout the school, district, unified and youth programs. Moving forward, I want the Camas Soccer program to be a program that is looked up to by all others for the young men we are on and off the field. Only then will we know we have truly achieved excellence,” Stoller said.