CHS New Teacher: Becca Farrester

Image Courtesy of CHS

Image Courtesy of CHS

Becca Farrester, a new math teacher at Camas High School (CHS), has dedicated her time over the last twenty years to helping students succeed. Her teaching has been of many subjects including math, social studies, and special needs. “I’ve been teaching in one way or another for the last twenty years. Initially, I was a social studies teacher, then really liked helping students be successful, so I started teaching special ed.” 

Mrs. Farraster has always possessed a warmhearted personality that she loves to share with her students. 

“I’ve always looked for those jobs where I can help people. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. I think when I was seven I wanted to teach, but then I started working with kids in the church and really liked that too,” said Mrs. Farrester.

Originally teaching at North Clackamas School District, Mrs. Farrester recently started teaching at Camas High School due to the long commute to Portland. 

“It’s nice to not have to drive so far and to be in the community I live in,” said Farrester.

From teaching at North Clackamas School District to Camas High School, Farrester has been teaching math. But math isn’t her favorite subject, despite this being the only subject she currently teaches. “It’s not my favorite thing (math), which means I can help that student figure out how to do it even if it’s not their favorite thing. Sometimes it’s nice for me to say I don’t like this either, but we can figure this out together,” said Farrester.

Rather than math, social studies has always been her favorite subject. To her, social studies is the “overarching theme” and affects people the most today.

“It’s how people function, it’s how the land works, so I like it because it’s looking at what makes life tick.” she said. She believes that it’s important to know social studies because of the many lessons one can learn from the past. “Learn from the past, learn about each other, learn how to be better citizens and to relate better to each other.” 

Outside of school, Farrester loves hikes, animals, and movies. She also plays the guitar and has a freshman at Camas High School. Her passion for helping students and her wide variety of interests make Farrester a wonderful new addition to Camas High School.