The Class of ’23: A Senior Look-Ahead


Jaimie Choi, Assistant Editor

Camas High School’s (CHS) class of 2023 has experienced a chaotic past few years, having to keep up school work amidst a global pandemic. Although the 2021-2022 school year returned students to the classrooms, the various racial incidents dampened the excitement of normalcy that was on track to make a comeback. 

However, with the Covid-19 pandemic seemingly coming to an end and the racial incidents hopefully resolved, seniors will experience their first normal year in four years. With rising school spirit and a return of school events, many seniors have high hopes for their final year at CHS.

“I’m looking forward to senior events. I definitely have more school spirit than last year, especially since the past two years have been kinda dead in school spirit because of Covid and masking,” said senior Joy Young.

“I never really had much school spirit, but I’m definitely looking forward to some of the school events that have been planned like the magnet overnighter and the Camp Wariki trip. I feel like we haven’t been able to have the same experiences as some of the seniors before us, so it’s nice to have these events back,” said senior Taylor Redmond.

Aside from school and senior-specific events, CHS seniors also anticipate school sports, as seasons have been canceled, postponed, and masked for the past few years. Many have set goals to go to districts and state. 

“I’m excited for tennis,” said senior Austin Shin, “I want to go to state this year, especially since I couldn’t last year.” 

Senior Nathan Chui said, “I would say I’m excited for track. I want to make districts, at least, and hopefully beat my PR.”

Even with the anticipation for the new school year and the rise in senior school spirit, CHS seniors will soon become busy with work on their college applications and senior projects, preventing seniors from having too much fun. 

“I can’t really think of anything past college apps, so it feels like I have no future until I finish. I haven’t started yet, but I’m already looking forward to being done with them,” said senior Lena Trieu. 

“I’m excited for college apps to be over so that I can enjoy my senior year and do more activities outside of school,” said Young. 

Overall, CHS seniors are looking forward to completing their final year strong, hopefully with no more surprises. The past few years have been difficult, but the class of 2023 is looking to end on a high note.