Effective Ways to Prepare for Finals
January 25, 2022
As the first semester of the 2022 school year comes close to an end, the main focus of Camas High School (CHS) students and staff is finals. Stressed students are rushing to prepare for the end of the semester and the workload that comes with it. Teachers tasked with last-minute work to grade. The end of the semester sparks many different opinions on how to prepare for and the purpose of these arduous times.
Finals are stressful for students and teachers alike. Many students don’t know what to expect or how to start studying. Kristi Stevens, the AP Psychology teacher at CHS said, “The best way to study is to do little bits over time. It’s called distributed practice…You don’t wanna study all at once, if you cram, that’s what we call a mass rehearsal and that will work for the next day but you will forget all of it after.”
For students to use this tactic of studying they must plan out when what and how they are going to study. Students often use a planner to keep track of due dates. They can use the given study guides from their teachers, Quizlet, reliable YouTube videos, flashcards, etc.

Dean of Students Darci Jones said, “How can you create yourself a schedule to give yourself study time, give yourself plenty of time to sleep. Make sure that you’re still eating well and you are taking care of yourself… All of those things are going to help you take care of yourself and your mental health going into finals.”
Doing these things is healthy in general but with finals coming around they are crucial. Students need to maintain study time on top of regularly assigned homework, necessary sleep amounts, and other self-care. Activities that maintain students’ health were once relaxing now seem like tedious tasks.
Junior Annalise Danner said, “Honestly, I don’t like finals, I get so stressed out by tests and I think it makes me perform much worse. I know what I’m doing, but when I get to the test, I completely blank and I hate it.”
One thing that would support the students is if the staff of CHS recognized the pressure that is put on their students. With six different classes come six different finals and topics to cover. Each final becoming a prominent grade, the stress students feel could impact their performance completely.
Freshman Molly McArthur said, “I don’t think finals show proper evidence of how the student is academic. I think a test that is worth half of their grade doesn’t show who they have been for the last semester.”
The amount of pressure and stress students feel throughout finals season can leave them unsure of where to start. With proper studying techniques, good sleep habits, and keeping track of important dates, finals can become easier. However, some students remain in disagreement with the philosophy of finals.