CHS Students Have High Hopes for 2022
Camas High students are looking forward to lots this coming year
January 15, 2022
Although 2022 is a new year, it retains much of the same issues 2021 faced. From Covid outbreaks to national divides, the fresh year has much to overcome. Nothing is known about what 2022 will bring, but what’s for sure is that students from Camas High School (CHS) have high expectations. Whether it be travel aspirations, the return of online school, or the losing of masks, CHS students are eager to see what the year has in store for them.
Junior Andrew Wessel said, “I can’t wait until we can get rid of masks. I honestly don’t see it happening anytime soon, but maybe 2022 will beat the odds.”
This wish is a common one but has proven to be unrealistic in the former years. With more Covid outbreaks, specifically, Omicron, reaching their apex, mask mandates are only being strengthened.

Junior Karlie Walker said, “I have high hopes, and some plans, to travel in 2022. I really want to keep those plans and not have to cancel because of Covid. I was scared to travel anywhere in 2021 if it required getting on a plane, and I really want to leave that as a last-year problem.”
Countless travel plans were impeded due to Covid last year. Flights were canceled, contact tracing and illness prevented trips, and mandates weren’t always so easily met. A popular dream for this coming year is for Covid related travel risks to be eliminated, and the guilt that so often accompanies it.
While many of the goals people have for 2022 are Covid related, political hopes are almost as prominent.

Junior Rylan Ferber said, “I really want people to stop being so mad at each other this year. It seems that people are always in arguments about politics, some are valid, but it’s just getting tiring.”
This appears to be a nationwide aim for 2022. Politics have been appearing more and more in everyday life and conversations and has created a divide that many would like to be rid of.
Although there are many large-scale, worldwide hopes for 2022, there are still quite a few people who have more personal things they are looking forward to this year.
Senior Benjamin Burnett said, “Now that I am the number one spike ballplayer among high schoolers in the PNW, I am really looking forward to more tournaments with other great players. I honestly am looking forward to becoming a professional spike ball player this year.”
CHS students have much to look forward to in 2022, whether their plans are set in stone, or merely wishful thinking. Many of the hopes are different, but the one constant is that everyone wants this year to be great (and hopefully a little better than 2021)!