Vandalism in Camas High School
December 21, 2021

Like many schools around the nation, bathrooms are a must for any student wanting to make it through the day, but for Camas High School (CHS) women, what would normally be a simple task is made much harder by the extreme ravaging of the girl’s bathroom.
CHS students, specifically the women of CHS are finding it increasingly more difficult to use the bathroom due to the increased amount of vandalism occurring. Sophomore Alana Rae said it is an inconvenience that the soap dispensers get continually stolen.“When I would go downstairs to wash my hands it would be an inconvenience,” she said. “It’s always been gross when I’ve been in there.” It seems the bathrooms have always been this way.
For many CHS students being safe is always a top priority, what many students and staff may not be aware of is a sizable hole inside the girl’s bathroom where the two hundred hallway is. This hole appeared to be cut and was only recently patched after a week of it being there. It seems as though activities like this go unnoticed as things similar to this have been occurring for months, one student reportedly took a wet floor sign and placed it in the toilet. CHS students seem to find strange and increasingly creative ways to inconvenience students and janitors alike.

The bathrooms at CHS are anything but sanitary, many students can attest to this, paper towels litter the entrance and inside of both the men’s and women’s bathrooms. Students even went as far as to clog the toilets using an entire roll of toilet paper. One student, who wished to remain anonymous said, “It’s stupid to take away the thing that is supposed to protect us from Covid,” referring to the soap dispensers being stolen.
As for the men’s bathroom, it’s no better. Similar to the women’s bathroom, paper towels are lining the bathroom floor and entrance, though the soap dispensers are still intact and the wet floor signs stay where the wet floor is. One way to stop the ransacking of the bathrooms is to simply lock the soap dispensers to the wall, trying to detach them would certainly cause damage resulting in damage to school property which is a misdemeanor.
Some issues can not be fixed and will always haunt public schools, like drawing on the walls. These changes will not happen overnight, though students should be expected to respect the place in which they learn and make it a better, and cleaner place to be.