Camas High School Opinions on Conference Period

Sophia Rundle


After almost three weeks of Camas High School’s (CHS) new Conference Period being introduced to students’ weekly schedules, feedback on the additional time for work and teacher one-on-one is overwhelmingly positive. 

Not having the time or opportunity to meet with their teachers when extra help was necessary appeared to be a popular complaint among CHS students. However, the daily schedule has been altered to allow 45 minutes of conference time for any students who need extra help or guidance. 

CHS students’ reaction to the addition of Conference Period has been nothing but good comments and thanks to the teachers and staff that made it possible. 

Junior Kate Damoresaid, “I really like it. I like that it’s optional whether or not you stay, and all in all it’s just very… comfortable.” Demore also adds that her grades have gone up since Conference Period has been introduced since she’s able to console her teachers on missing assignments or for studying purposes. 

Photo Courtesy Sophia Rundle

Other students have similar feedback. Junior Analeise Danner said, “I love it, it’s super helpful whenever I have specific questions and stuff.” 

Being able to ask teachers questions about assignments or grades appears to be a popular point made by students. Junior Lily Cooper said, “It is useful for extra math help, and asking my teacher for clarification.”

There are other pluses to Conference Period too.

Many students agree that they enjoy freedom. Junior Kailey Wade said, “I really like being able to go through the halls of different classes when I need the help from different teachers and not getting in trouble.”

Junior Oliver Munsun said, “ I like how flexible it is. I have time to do homework or just go home if I want to.”

Photo Courtesy Sophia Rundle

The choice to go home is another positive according to many CHS students. Conference Period clears up the traffic since some students choose to stay while others decide to leave. 

Junior Morgan Pike said, “I don’t usually stay for conference, but it helps with traffic a lot and I can get home faster to do school work and other things I need to do.”

It seems like the addition of Conference Period benefits all CHS students in one way or another. Even those who don’t stay feel positive about the period, and those who do have reported better grades and understanding of topics.