Stuff the Bus Competition for a Cause
November 29, 2021

Students and staff of Camas High School (CHS) compete in their first-period classes to gather non-perishable goods for the Stuff the Bus ASB fundraiser, donating to the Christmas Activities Relief Organization Limited (CAROL) group. This is the first time in two years that Stuff the Bus is continuing with in-person donations, and the deadline for donating extends until December 3. The fundraiser accepts non-perishable food, clothing, and online donations at CHS, Washougal High School (WHS), and the Camas-Washougal Fire department.
A point system determines the parameters of the first-period competition.
Higher-demand goods are worth five points, such as peanut butter, chili, beans, tuna, and other goods with high protein. Sauce, canned fruits and vegetables, and boxed meals are worth four points, and most instant foods are worth two to three points. All other goods are one point. If a good is worth more points with the CHS system, it is more valuable to people at the food shelters due to higher cost, greater nutritional value, or increased need.
ASB vice president and senior Kaili Ziegler said, “How much it’s worth might have changed throughout the years, but, chili is one of the most expensive so you get more points for that compared to cereal.”

The points system in and of itself has not changed in the past few years, but CHS is no longer competing with WHS. This is to prevent the competitive spirit that may transpire due to the point-based competition.
First-period teachers encourage their students to donate goods in relation to the Stuff the Bus point system. Each classroom with an active first-period makes donating easier by providing a collection bin, and students are able to donate at their convenience.
The CAROL Program is an organization in Washougal that raises money and collects necessary goods for families in need. Approaching the holiday season, some families and students at both CHS and WHS are not as fortunate as others.
Junior Evan Chen said, “I think it’s really helpful to the community and it’s really necessary to give back. Some kids just aren’t as lucky and they need assistance.”
Senior Alexandra Dufner said, “I’m also excited to be participating in such an amazing event because I think it’s very important and awesome that people will get to eat the food we donate.”

Competing first-periods at CHS donate for the greater cause, helping local families have a stable source of food this winter. While students and staff compete to be first in the school, the class that manages to donate the most goods for the Stuff the Bus is awarded a lunch party paid for and hosted by ASB. Any class that raises 100 points’ worth of goods is awarded a gift basket of various sweets and treats to split among the class members.