Halloween From a Distance
October 31, 2021
After being canceled last year due to the pandemic, Halloween is back in full swing! Camas High School (CHS) students and staff of the 2021-2022 school year are preparing for a night of festivities and scares as Halloween approaches.
This past year the governor issued a statewide mandate that Halloween and trick or treating would not be allowed and fines were given to those who participated. Many people voiced their opinions on the topic. As Halloween is just around the corner, the citizens and students of Camas are ready to let the festivities begin!
Sophomore Molly Hope said, “I am excited for Halloween this year to see everyone’s costumes and spirit.”

CHS is not short in showing its excitement for Halloween. Many school electives and clubs are inviting CHS students to kick off the festivities with them after school. The choir class more specifically made their students feel celebrated in an after-school Halloween, which included a spooky pie picnic and other fun activities. The thespians club also hosted a Halloween party on Thursday, passing out candy and inviting students to come to enjoy some fun Halloween activities!
Destiny Dickens said, “I am dressing up for Halloween because it’s the only time of year where you can be anything you desire and not look absolutely crazy.”
As Halloween creeps up, students enjoy the last day of school before hallo-weekend. An eventful Friday filled the CHS halls with costumes. Students and staff both let their costumes be seen throughout the day. Everyone’s favorite costumes from The Flash to Pirates were represented.
Camas is fully ready for Halloween, many of the past events that were hosted in Camas yet didn’t get to be enjoyed last year are back and ready to be enjoyed by willing participants. Many local events like BooBash, Trunk-or-Treat, and the scary run are set to take place this weekend. Many local businesses in and around downtown Camas have voiced that they too will be offering treats at their shops and offices. Dogs are especially welcome to join in on the fun at the dog-friendly trick-or-treat hosted in High Expectations Dog Training.

“I hope to visit the haunted house in the library downtown with my little brother!” Destiny Dickens said.
The lack of Halloween last year pushed students and staff at CHS to engage more in the festivities of Halloween. Knowing what it is like to not be able to celebrate a holiday that would have otherwise been celebrated has encouraged citizens of Camas to not hold back this Hallo-weekend.