Creating Clubs at CHS

Keagan Wilson

The process of creating a club has been very confusing to many students, if not intimidating. Students may create clubs by finding an advisor, discussing organizations with potential members of the club, and filling out and submitting the corresponding paperwork. They may struggle with certain aspects of this process, but all in all, the outcome is worthwhile. Both for the creators of the club, and the students who may decide to participate in the new club.

Club creation is not without hardships and difficulties. Freshman, Aria Sukachevin said, “Sometimes [the hardest part] can be finding the right time or it also can be finding more members.”

The first step is finding an advisor. An advisor is any teacher who consents to Advising a student’s club. Students are encouraged to coordinate with their advisor when going through the club creation process. 

Sophomore, Riley Shostak said, “The first step is to have an idea, then to find an advisor.”

Sukachevin agrees. “I’d say maybe getting a teacher and friends or people who have similar interests as you and checking to see if it’s… school appropriate,” Sukachevin said.

Photo Courtesy Keagan Wilson

Students must next have three meetings where they discuss topics like meeting times, organisation, and recruitment. At the end of the three days students must fill out a form and submit it to the ASB window. 

Recruitment is another important process, just a little while ago the club fair happened. This was a great way to promote club membership. Another great way is to spread word orally, or to post flyers with club information in the hallway. Although, students must submit a request form in order to get permission to hang papers in the hallway.

“You could do it through conversations you have with other people or you could make posters and get it ASB approved, and put it on the walls,” Sukachevin said.

There are currently 59 clubs that can be found on the CHS website, ranging from Chess club to Fashion Club. Students who create clubs increase this number, and with it, the variety of activities that others can participate in. This contribution to the community can help better student life, and is encouraged to anyone who has an idea.