Tennis is a great activity to connect with the Camas High community. Players interact with new people, all while having fun! We sat down with junior Colton Lessard and got his perspective on what tennis is all about.
What team are you on? Singles or doubles?
“I’m on C team, I didn’t try during tryouts so I would be able to win more games, it pretty much just makes me look a lot better…doubles, my partner is Jordan Slotto. He’s cool.”
Why did you join tennis?
“I joined because it is a fun, no cut sport. It was easy to get involved because if you try, you’re getting in. There’s also really good coaches and it’s just a fun way to hit balls around. I could say I wanted to meet new people, but I joined with a friend. I already know, like, everyone in Camas. I’ve been around them for a while, but our tennis team is a good group of guys, and we’re always accepting new people.”
Has tennis taught you anything?
“It honestly hasn’t taught me much, just the cliches: teamwork, time management, patience. It really has taught me time management. Being on C team, we don’t play first, but we have to get there in the beginning of the matches. Sometimes we have to get there at three and we won’t play until seven. It’s fun to watch friends and stuff, but you have to know when to do your homework and stuff for school. I’m not tryin’ to fail this year.”
Do you have any advice to students who are thinking about playing tennis?
“Make sure you’re willing to give up the time for it. It really is fun, but it can be stressful at times. You honestly need to have the time to do your homework and focus on your grades, and yeah, there’s a lot of late nights. Just, pretty much, manage your time and you’ll be O.K.”
Lessard highlights the accepting nature of his teammates and how fun the tennis team is. Interested in joining the tennis team… try out next year, you will be glad you did!
Taylor • Nov 7, 2016 at 12:26 PM
Tennis is a sport I could never get into myself but it’s certainly fun to watch. Great job yall
Ben • Nov 7, 2016 at 12:24 PM
It gets better in Jv/V
grant gray • Nov 7, 2016 at 9:56 AM
Leo • Nov 7, 2016 at 9:54 AM
This is very inspiring to teens and peers. I was kicked off the team but this encourages me to get back out there and keep my head up!
Travis • Nov 8, 2016 at 7:47 AM
It’s a no cut team though…
Josh • Nov 7, 2016 at 9:53 AM
How many people are on the teams?
Mackenzie Wingate • Nov 9, 2016 at 11:15 AM
There are 66 people playing, but because of those who switch teams and such, there’s not a definite number of players on any one team
Austin • Nov 7, 2016 at 9:50 AM