Local politicians are often seen by voters only in the media or newspaper.
Students in CYAC meet Friday mornings with local leaders to discuss political issues at all levels of government, and how to better the Camas Community. Emma Jones, Brenton Riddle, Jack Kelly, Melody Hollar, Kelsie Ackerman, Rachel Higgins, Katie Blair, Danny Kelly, Sydney Fermenick, Emma Cox, and Kyle Metscher all serve on the council this year.

“Camas Youth Advisory Council has opened my eyes to how important local politics are in every city. Camas is highly involved in political issues, and our forum can help increase interest in the community.”
– Danny Kelly, CYAC Member
Another primary duty of the council is to plan and moderate a political forum every fall for local candidates to discuss student-generated questions. The questions are chosen from a pool of student submissions ranging in topics from taxes to the legalization of marijuana. Local, state, and federal representatives are invited to participate in this forum. Students, parents, and other community members are also encouraged to attend.
The forum was October 10 at 7:00 PM at Camas High School. Ann Rivers and her opponent, Eric Holt, running in the State Senate Race along with Jaime Herrera-Beutler running for Congress were in attendance. Additionally, incumbent Liz Pike and her opponent, Kathy Gillespie, as well as incumbent Brandon Vick and his opponent, Justin Oberg, all running for the House of Representatives in each of their respective districts.
More than 100 community members and students made an appearance at the forum. For those who could not attend, or who want to re-watch it, can click here to view the recording of the event.