With the school year coming to an end, Camas High School staff and students are all awaiting the highly anticipated finals week.
This year though, the schedule looks different than the school’s normal finals schedule. It is the exact same as our normal in-person school day schedule. Every student will attend every class, every day, during finals week, and will just be taking two finals a day, when you show up to the specific class period that the final is scheduled during.
Through surveying multiple teachers, it seems as though almost all of them are totally okay with this schedule.

CHS math teacher, Barbara Loewen, says “As for the final schedule, I like it, as consistency is greatly appreciated this year for teachers and students. We don’t need yet another class schedule.”
CHS English teacher, Connie Dignan, says, “This year’s finals schedule works fine for my classes. My students will not need longer classes to complete their finals.”
Even though there is still a dedicated finals week, with all that has gone on this year, many teachers have decided not to hold a traditional written final, for multiple different reasons.
Loewen says, “I am not giving a final this year in either class (Algebra 2 or Pre Calc) because I don’t think it is fair to the students who are in person. I can see them (in-person students) take the final and know they aren’t using some math app, using notes, a calculator when asked not to, or cheating with a friend.
Though most everyone is still giving some sort of ‘semester wrap up’ project or review.
Dignan says that her sophomore English classes are doing a Poetry Study for their final, and her AP Literature classes used the AP exam as their final, as the AP exam is the peak of their studies for the year.
Ap biology teacher, Cory Marshall, says “I never have a final exam for 2nd semester. My regular class does a culminating project and my AP turns in the semester-long review packet they’ve been working on. Of all the activities I’ve had to let go of this year, turns out I was still able to do those. So for a brief two weeks, this year looks fairly similar to a normal year, curriculum-wise.”
Loewen says, “What we are doing instead (of a written final test) in pre cal is taking as practice final during the last week of school. For algebra two we are finishing up on the last concept and taking their final quiz, (which is going to be) on-demand at home.”
With this unpredictable school year coming to an end, and finals week being right around the corner, everyone is ready for a new year and beginning to come about.