Today marks 75 years since the attack on Pearl Harbor, sparking the United State’s involvement in World War II.
As we take today to remember the 2,403 brave souls that lost their lives that tragic morning, let us follow President Obama in, “Giv[ing] thanks to the veterans and survivors of Pearl Harbor.”
Check out The Post Record’s coverage here for local events happening in the area to mark the significance.
“We give thanks to the veterans and survivors of Pearl Harbor faced down fear itself, met infamy with intrepidity, freed captive peoples from fascism and whose example inspires us still. For out of the horrors of war, this Greatest Generation forged an enduring international order, became the backbone of the middle class and powered America’s prosperity. Their courage and resolve remind us of that fundamental American truth—that out of many we are one; and that when we stand together, no undertaking is too great.” – President Obama, 12/7/2016
Olivia • Apr 23, 2017 at 10:54 PM
This is a piece of history that no one will forget.