For many members of CHS it has been a tough school year between not having a stable schedule and COVID-19. This year CHS students were proud about many of the little accomplishments one can make in life. Others were proud of accomplished goals. Even though many people did not get the year that they were planning, they were still able to feel pride in what they did. We asked students of CHS what they feel proud of for this year. Some of the answers we received were about school, some were about home. These are some of the things students said.
Many students made academic achievements this year. CHS Freshman Brooke said, “Something I’m proud of this year is that I managed to get all A’s in all my classes.” For many students, it was hard to figure out how to get good grades.
Due to COVID-19, it was more difficult for students to find new friends, socialize and have a fun time. Some people overcame that difficult task and learned how to make friends even with the COVID guidelines.
CHS Freshman Kaylie Demerrit said, “This school year has been an amazing experience considering it started online. Behind that, getting to school and making new friends by attending track and meeting new people at this school has been a big step for me. Making new friends and making new memories as a freshman at this school. Little things this year are making me have more experiences to look at in the future that made me proud of myself this year.”
Sports have made it a little easier to meet people. CHS Senior Pyper Stroh, a softball player for the varsity camas team said, “It was fun to come back out and especially getting in the game and getting a good hit. it just felt really good” Sports have helped students feel accomplished after doing something to benefit the team.
Even with the challenges of the school year, 2020-2021 CHS can still look at the positives. Even with less opportunity to excel in school activities this past year, students were still able to feel accomplished. Despite all the hardships PaperMakers still did a great job this year!