Due to the cancellations of Camas High school’s (CHS) fall and winter sport seasons; they will resume this spring. Regular spring seasons will be continued but each sport results in seasons usually lasting 2-3 months now lasting a short 6 weeks. This leaves the question of are CHS athletes improving in their sport this year?

CHS athlete Natalie Ge says, “I think that the shorter season was more challenging in that there was less time to get back in shape, but the time crunch also motivated me to work harder during the limited practices. Although I didn’t reach my peak performance, I definitely improved the season both mentally and physically.”
Athletes had a shorter amount of games but also a shortened amount to prepare for each game.
CHS Assistant Football Coach, Craig Hardin says, “I felt our players did a great job of working in a tough situation. They worked hard daily and improved both individually and collectively as a team.”
There were key differences this season. Players and coaches were required to wear masks. Athletes had to stay socially distanced. There was also a worry of team members getting COVID-19. Athletes and coaches managed to trudge through and find the silver linings in the the situation.
Sophomore Sydney king say, “I would say some of the big difference I saw in this season compared to last year was that everyone was more unified and the team spirit was higher. Because the season didn’t have a lot of pressure, people were less tense and enjoyed everyday, every meet and everybody they had in this shortened season.”
Overall, even with brief sport seasons athletes improved just by overcoming the tough situation that was handed to them. Athletes grew together as a team and became more united together.