The students and coaches at Camas High School are very excited to kick off the 2021 winter and spring sports seasons, which, because of COVID-19, had not taken place in over a year.
Jon Eagle, strength training teacher and boys head track coach here at CHS, says the best part of being back is seeing so many Camas athletes outside working hard and competing. He says that there are a lot of smiles and laughing out there!
Richard Gooch, boys varsity soccer coach and 5th Grade Math and Science at Grass Valley Elementary, says “Giving everyone a chance to play the game they love and for the school they adore, has been the best part so far. It has been almost two full years for the boys since they have played for the school, so it’s good to have them back on the pitch.”
Because of COVID-19 rules, and guidelines, have been tweaked a little bit.

Sophomore, Grace Duffey says, “At the meets, there are a lot fewer spectators, and also I think there are fewer students partaking in the sports because of COVID.”
Eagle says even though the track is held outside, which helps, we still stay 6 feet apart and have our masks on.
Gooch says, “For soccer, we have to do heath attestations, hand sanitizing, and wear a mask when we’re not actively training/playing. But, outside of that, it is pretty much the same as pre-COVID.”
With the season just beginning, there are so many things to look forward to.

Eagle says, “(I’m) looking forward to seeing our (track) athletes challenge themselves, compete with other teams and improve their skills as they train throughout the season.”
Gooch says, “Being competitive and providing the Seniors with an enjoyable season to wrap up their high school soccer career is what I’m most looking forward to. The Boys Varsity team played their first two matches of the season and won 11-1 and 7-0, so we are off to a great start.”
Students, like Duffey, are looking forward to their games/meets, hanging out with friends, and having fun, while still challenging themselves to grow and get better as an athlete.
Although Covid has caused quite a few changes, like the fact seasons are shorter, the winter and spring seasons are being played at the same time, and the limited number of spectators, everyone is stoked to be back out there playing the sports they love.