The number of days students of the graduation class of 2021 have until a new chapter of the book called life opens is beginning to dwindle. The reality that they will never experience high school again is beginning to settle in, for better or for worse. The Camas High School graduation date is set for June 11, and it’s still in question whether it is going to be in person or online. As The vaccination count rises higher every day, the idea of in-person graduation is definitely in consideration. There are lots of emotions that go into graduation and the seniors don’t have long until these emotions fully settle in and become real life.
Many of the Camas High School seniors are looking forward to in-person graduation and do not want the online version similar to what took place last year for the graduating class of 2019-2020.
CHS senior Cole Allen says, “I am hoping for an in-person graduation this year, and one last celebration with all of my friends and fellow graduates in honor of our four years at Camas High School.”

Throughout the school year, the COVID-19 numbers have had spikes and have jumped dramatically in a very short amount of time due to the change in social distancing guidelines and more and more businesses slowly reopening. If the school decides to create in-person graduation there will have to be restrictions in both social distancing and social interaction, which will prove to be a challenge as there are many seniors at Camas High School. Without a doubt, these students’ proud parents and family would love to see their sons and daughters open a new chapter in their lives.
Senior Armand Nunez says, “As long as the graduation is in person I think a lot of people will be happy, even with restrictions.”
With all of the challenges and stress presented in an online learning environment this year, an online version of graduation may be upsetting and disappoint students and parents alike, as online graduation simply cannot offer the same experiences as an actual, in-person graduation ceremony. Graduation is the overall goal for students starting from a very young age, and all who have made it this far have been looking forward to this moment their whole lives.
Senior Caleb Shira says, “If there is an online graduation, there are going to be many families who will be upset,” a mindset shared throughout many families and students who may be disappointed in the thought of online graduation.
COVID-19 has changed the lives of everyone on Earth, especially the world’s students, who were thrown into online learning for months on end and forced to adapt, just like the rest of the world.
Now that the scars left on society’s cheek by COVID-19 are fading, many students find themselves back at school, and for students in the class of 2021’s case, they find themselves running out of time. With graduation being one of most students’ greatest achievements, it’s no wonder that there are many different mixed feelings about the way graduation might go at the end of this school year, from both parents and students. Only time will tell if graduation will be in-person or online, but regardless of whether it’s virtual or not, Camas High School is prouder than ever to send off another group of young adults into a new uncharted part of their lives.
Camasonian journalists Christian Lenard and Blake Harris contributed to this article.