After almost a full year of remote learning, Camas High School students were finally allowed to transition to a hybrid model of learning. The groups of students are split into two different cohorts, labeled Cohort A and Cohort B based on last names. CHS students are going for in-person learning two days a week and three days of remote learning.
CHS underclassmen shared their thoughts about finally being back on campus.

CHS Sophomore Aiden Converse said, “I feel really good about being back. I’m really enjoying being around other people within the safety standards, and especially being in the classroom with a teacher. The transition into hybrid from remote isn’t too hard. We are still doing a lot of things on our own, plus Zoom classes. It doesn’t seem too different.”
CHS Sophomore Jolie Ensinger said “It’s been cool to be back, I’m glad to be able to see my friends and teachers but it’s just so tiring sometimes trying to keep up with the teachers zoom schedules since they’re all different”
CHS Junior Jackson Lewallen said, “I like hybrid a lot, it gives me the ability to be in person in the classroom and also allows me time to get my work done away from school. I think that in-person school doesn’t allow enough time for sleep and other commitments but Zoom classes allow you to nap when you need them. I think that if I could I would want hybrid learning for as long as possible since it’s the healthiest for my grades and my mental state.”
CHS Sophomore Camdyn Segall said, “It feels strange to be back in hybrid learning. The learning itself still seems completely online, so now going to school feels like an activity. I think I’m handling it okay. It’s great to see and talk to the teachers, however, my classes seem so focused on including the kids zooming in, that oftentimes the kids sitting in class don’t participate/interact at all.”
CHS Junior Nels Martin said, “I would say hybrid is fairly similar to remote, but it’s easier to ask questions and get help from teachers and peers. I would say the transition has been fine; at two days a week, the change isn’t enormous.”
CHS Sophomore Aiden Shafiuzzaman said, “I am really happy that we are back in school, I have been able to get a lot more work done.”
The class of 2021 is ecstatic to be back in the building to finish out their senior year of high school. After an unknown and unpredictable start to the year, there is hope on the horizon for senior events that were canceled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
CHS Senior Conner Wood said, “Being back in person feels weird after so long but it’s nice to be back and see everyone. It feels like it’s much easier to learn in person compared to online and I’m glad we get the rest of the year in person.”
CHS Senior Madeleine Ogle said, “It feels great to be back! I think the high school has a great set of COVID-19 protocols and I feel really safe while I’m there. I’m handling the change from remote to hybrid super well and highly enjoying the ability to attain more of what I’m taught while in person as well as finally being able to socialize”
CHS Senior Elle Gardner said, “It feels good to be in hybrid and be back and see people that I haven’t seen in a while! I’d say I’m handling the change well and it isn’t super hard for me to adjust because I’m just happy to be back and see people!”
CHS Senior Isabella Ross said, “It feels good to be back in school, with the six-foot distancing and sanitization I feel safer. The two-day hybrid model is a great idea, especially to keep Covid cases as low as possible while providing in-person learning. The change overall has been good and I feel more productive going to school than staying remote.”
CHS teachers expressed their thoughts as well.

CHS Drama and English teacher Sean Kelly said his goal for the end of the year is “Mostly, I just hope that the students recognize that they are more resilient than they think they are, and with determination and a bit of help, these challenges become much easier to overcome.”
CHS Marketing and DECA teacher Suzie Downs said, “I’m most excited about getting students back in the building and seeing their faces again! Hopefully, by the end of the year students will have that sense of community, belonging, and emotional security after being without it for almost a year!”
Hybrid learning has received a lot of positive feedback from students, and as cases start to lower and the vaccine becomes more available, there is hope for more normalcy for the rest of the school year. Starting April 19th, in-person students will attend school four days a week.