Last spring break the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the country. In March of 2020 students were ecstatic to learn their break from school would be at least six whole weeks. Everyone left CHS on March 13th thinking they would be back after the 6 week-long break with stories of fun vacations and memories.
Almost a year later, the numbers in Clark County are headed in the right direction and things are reopening.
Most student’s spring break 2020 plans were canceled which caused students to come up with unique ways to have fun while in quarantine.
CHS Senior Ryan Glaze said, “I just stayed home and was still enjoying my newfound free time.”

CHS Junior Jackson Lewallen said, “My friends and I created a Minecraft server called Bonkopolis. We spent hours building a city with a bank, courthouse, and community center. We attempted to create a government system on the server but it did not work out at all.”
CHS Sophomore Landon Schmidt said “I wanted to change up my hairstyle during the break so I decided to shave my head. It was really fun and if I didn’t like it, no one from school would see it due to quarantine. I also played a lot of Animal Crossing during the first couple of months.”

CHS Senior Garrett Albertsen said, “My family went on our planned vacation and spent the time bowling and hanging out with some friends before things got bad.”
CHS Sophomore Georgianna Ross said, “The trip my family was planning got canceled which was a bummer, but I spent a lot of time playing video games with my friends and going on bike rides when the weather was nice.”
Spring break 2021 is still a couple of months away, but some students at CHS have already started planning what they are going to do.
Andrew Wade said, “This year we don’t have much planned due to Covid but we will most likely go down to Bend and stay for a few days. Maybe restart our family movie nights we started during spring break last year.”
CHS Senior Vivienne Funches said, “I think this year my family and I are gonna try to just go on a small trip while staying safe since Covid is still a really big deal. It’s definitely different than last year because like a lot of people I just stayed home.”
CHS Junior Lily Walsh said, “We never really have spring break vacations so our plans are relatively the same, usually we either stay home or go to the Oregon coast so not much has changed.”
CHS Senior Macy Timczyk said, “This year I am either going to stay home or my family might rent a house at the Oregon Coast.”
Senior Isabella Ross said “This year it feels like there is really no anticipation except for having a break from school. Any plans for this year’s spring break are to hopefully stay in our bubble and not travel far due to Covid.”
CHS Sophomore Aiden Shafiuzzaman said, “We want to be safe so instead of going out this year we are going to get some quality family bonding time during game night.”
For the students who decided to stay home, there will be more to do in their own backyard because Clark County entered Phase Two in the state’s reopening plan.