Need help on the SAT and ACT? Colleges are searching for students with proficient scores and we have the tools to help you succeed! Check out the sites/apps below to see if these work for you, feel free to email feedback and or give sites/apps you know have helped you and want more students to gain access!
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- (360) 833-5750 ext. 74941
Websites/Apps to Help Study:
-; Rating: 5 stars from regular users. This site allows you to prepare for the SAT and ACT. It gives you access for one full year with no hour limitations. There are forty hours of content, more than 1200 practice questions, more than 70 skill lessons, and up to five real practice tests. Although this site requires payment up to 300 dollars, it is an amazing preparation method.
- SAT UP App; Rating: 4.5 stars from regular users. This features personalized daily workouts, midterm and full-length practice tests, vocabulary games, on-demand tutoring and continuous coach support.
-; Rating: 4 stars from regular users. Based on your test date, they will put together a practice plan to ensure you are ready for the actual test. This is a free way to practice skills you have not yet perfected. An account is required with either email or Facebook, but the practice is free.