Financial Literacy:
This project is run by Camas High School Seniors, Dareena Stepanyuk and Bella Swanson. The purpose of this project is to promote the importance of financial literacy and teach its lessons to students. This year, they chose Mrs. Williams fifth grade class at LaCamas Heights Elementary. Stepanyuk and Swanson taught several class periods and played finance games with the kids. The kids were happy and financially literate after!
Pippilottas Consignment:
Seniors Kevin Chen and Kendra Horvath completed this project and helped Pippilottas, a consignment store in Downtown Camas. They helped promote the business at the high school, made social media pages for the business, modeled for the business, and ran events to help the new business get up and running.
Public Relations:
Junior Wesley Colvin runs this project to promote the local Camas DECA Chapter at the high school through community events. These community events include Dornbecher’s OHSU Children’s Hospital Toy Drive, local food drives, and more. Being community-oriented is a key factor that the Camas DECA Chapter thrives upon.