During the COVID-19 pandemic, the stress relating to school has gone up for many students. Camas High School students who work are having to balance online school and their jobs at the same time.
The number of students at CHS who are working or are currently looking for jobs is increasing, and right now it can be difficult to find employment.
The pandemic has affected everyone in numerous ways. One of the main ways students are affected is by online learning. For some, remote learning has been okay and they have had some extra free time, but for others, it has been incredibly stressful. Students who have seen an increase in free time have decided to get jobs.
For some students, the job they have is a necessity for their families. No matter the reason behind the job, the increase in stress is noticeable.
CHS Senior Cameron Kolkemo said, “I have definitely had my struggles with school this year, but knowing that I’m so close to finishing is what is keeping me going.”
For students who work, time management is key. It is easy to fall behind and then it feels impossible to catch up with work while completing assignments.

CHS Senior Nusaibah Alam said, “I try my best with time management. When I know I have work or long shifts on the weekend, I do my homework to make sure I am on top of everything.”
Although there are times that students have to be in class, the structure of school is not very concrete. Once students are no longer attending Zoom classes, it is up to them to keep that structure and hard work going.
The added factor of a job can be stressful, but for CHS Senior Madora Doremus, it has given her that extra push and structure she needed.
“School during the pandemic is just so different and, for me, not a model that works. Trying to create structure and stick to a schedule, I think, is the best way to stay on top of things,” she said.
Doremus added, “Working during a pandemic, especially over the summer, is honestly great. It gave me structure and something to do again.
Students who currently have jobs could be considered lucky. With businesses in the area shutting down, new restrictions being placed, and people being laid off to keep costs low, there are many students that have not been able to find jobs. High School students are now competing with many other people than they would have been in the past.
Students with free time are looking for jobs and those who previously had jobs are looking for new ones after being laid off. Even college students that are home since campuses are not open are looking for jobs. All of this has made it especially difficult for CHS students, especially senior Matthew Brown.
Brown said, “It’s already hard to get hired when you have no experience and it’s hard to get experience when no one will hire you. COVID-19 has made it even worse.”

While it may seem daunting to work through a pandemic as a student, it is possible. Each person just needs to have the right balance of what is most important to them.
CHS students who currently have jobs offered advice to others who are in the hunt.
Alam said, “My best advice is if you are looking for a job or have one already, don’t stress working more than you normally do if you’re unable to handle it. School and homework should come first.
CHS Senior Reese Stone added, “My only advice is to try not to prioritize only work or school over the other, but try and prioritize them equally so you don’t get overwhelmed. For anyone who is doing school and working. You are doing amazing and keep working hard!”